Situations That Fall Under the Category of Emergency Dentistry

Situations That Fall Under the Category of Emergency Dentistry
Situations That Fall Under the Category of Emergency Dentistry

Any time can be the wrong time for your teeth. Most dentists plan for the unexpected by making sure they have time in their day to deal with emergencies. In many dental emergencies, acting quickly can keep you from losing teeth or getting damage that won’t go away.

Read on to learn more about dental emergencies and what steps you should take immediately to stop it

What Qualifies As A Dental Emergency?

If you are in pain, you may wonder if you can get an emergency appointment to find out what’s wrong and get treatment. A dental emergency is different from a medical emergency, and you may be able to see a dentist sooner than you think. A dental emergency can be caused by a wide range of problems, such as:

Severe Tooth Pain

If you have severe tooth pain, an emergency dentist appointment could help you get the care you need to feel better.

Bleeding from the mouth that can’t be controlled is a dental emergency, so you should see your dentist as soon as possible.

Knocked-Out Tooth

If you lose a tooth because of an accident or injury, you may be able to save it by making an emergency dentist appointment right away.


An abscess in the mouth is a dental emergency because it can turn into a severe infectious condition which could kill you. If your mouth or the area around it is swollen you should call your dentist right away.In short, if you aren’t sure what any of the above symptoms mean, you should talk to a dentist in Dallas.

Deciding If You Have Dental Emergencies?

When deciding if you have a dental emergency, it’s essential to know when you don’t.A broken or cracked tooth is not an emergency unless sharp pieces are left in your mouth, or you are in a lot of pain.

A toothache can wait until a general dentist appointment when the pain isn’t too bad. If you can wait to see a dentist, you may not need to visit the dentist immediately because of a toothache. Even though a missing crown or filling is not an emergency, your dentist may see you as a priority and get you in sooner than usual.

You should still call your dentist if you don’t think it’s an emergency. The office may be able to set up a last-minute appointment for you, and you could get treatment much sooner than you think.

You know you should go to the emergency room if you cut your finger while cutting up vegetables for dinner. But what if you bite something complex and break a tooth? Still, many people would go to the ER to get help. But a recent article from the American Dental Association says that many dental emergencies don’t have to be taken to the emergency room. Instead, they can be taken to the dentist’s office.

Even though it sounds like a good idea to send dental emergencies to an emergency dental office, the question quickly becomes, “What is a dental emergency that needs a dentist vs what kinds of emergencies need a trip to the emergency room?”

Here Are A Few Common Dental Emergencies That Need To Be Taken Care Of By An Emergency Dentist:

Severe Excruciating Tooth Pain

Several dental problems can cause tooth pain, so it’s essential to find out what’s wrong to fix it. An infection often causes toothaches in the pulp, or something stuck between two teeth. Seeing an emergency dentist is especially important when tooth pain occurs quickly, gets worse over time, or is very bad. In the meantime, a cold pack might help ease some of the pain.

Cracks On Teeth

Chips and cracks in teeth can be caused by biting on hard things, using teeth for something other than biting and chewing, or an accident. People who clench or grind their teeth are also more likely to break or chip a tooth. If you have a tooth that is broken or chipped, you should go to an emergency dentist. Rinse any pieces of your tooth, put them in a glass of milk or water, and bring them to your emergency dentist appointment.

Teeth That Are Loose Or Mobile

Any blow to the face that makes teeth loose or fall out needs emergency dental care immediately. If you have a loose tooth, it’s essential to try to keep it in its place, so it doesn’t fall out. To do this, you can hold the tooth in place by gently biting down on it. If a tooth has been knocked out, it is essential to try to find it. Only the crown should be touched and rinsed if the missing tooth is located. You can save a missing tooth by doing one of two things. First, you can put it back in the socket and bite down on it like you would with a loose tooth. Second, you can put it in a glass of milk or water, just like you would with broken tooth pieces.

Injury to Soft Tissue

The lips, gums, inside of the cheeks, and tongue are all soft parts of the mouth. When one of these parts is hurt, you should call your emergency dentist to find out what to do next. In some cases, you may need to see an emergency dentist, and in other cases, you may need to go to the emergency room. Lacerations, punctures, and tears in soft tissue should be rinsed with warm water before applying pressure to stop the bleeding.

A Dental Restoration That Is Missing Or Loose

Both permanent and temporary restorations can become loose or fall out, but temporary restorations are much more likely to do this. No matter what kind of repair they have, they both need emergency dental care. If you want it to last, you will need to bring in the restoration. You might be able to keep a temporary repair in place until you see your dentist by using Vaseline, chapstick, or denture adhesive.

Overall, dental emergencies include toothaches, teeth that are chipped, cracked, loose, or missing, soft tissue injuries, and missing dental restorations. If you or someone in your family has one of these dental emergencies, you should go to an emergency dentist immediately. Most medical emergencies need to be taken to the emergency room, but most emergency rooms will tell you to go to an emergency dentist for a dental emergency. So, go to your local emergency dental office to save time and avoid more pain.

Things That Are Easy To Do That Can Stop A Dental Emergency

1. Maintaining A Good Oral Hygiene

This is one of the most important things someone can do to lower their chances of having a dental emergency. If a person’s teeth are healthy and robust, they are less likely to get hurt or develop a problem that could hurt their health.

But teeth already weak from cavities or gum disease are more likely to have dental emergencies like coming loose, falling out, or getting an infection. As part of a good oral hygiene routine, you should brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss once daily. Use a mouthwash that kills bacteria to protect yourself even more.

2. Making Sure Teeth Get Enough Minerals

The enamel on a tooth is more vital than any bone, but acids always attack it. Over time, these acids slowly break down the enamel. The body needs essential minerals like fluoride and calcium to keep teeth strong and healthy. You can get these from dairy products, green leafy vegetables, and fluoride-containing products. When the enamel is in good shape, the tooth is less likely to get cavities or an infection. It can also take more force without breaking.

3. Stop Doing Stupid Things

Teeth aren’t made for chewing nails, opening packages, or biting down on hard things like ice. This can hurt the outside of a tooth, making it more likely to get an infection or decay. Habits like these can also lead to problems with your teeth. Chewing on something hard enough can break or pull a tooth out of its socket. Make it a priority to disregard any bad habits that could lead to a dental emergency.

4. Use A Mouthguard

Sports injuries can cause teeth to be knocked out, cracked, or broken, so try to protect your teeth with a mouth guard or a helmet. This makes it less painful to get hit in the face during sports.

5. Go To The Dentist Every Six Months

When you visit the dentist regularly, problems are caught before they become emergencies. The patient’s teeth are also cleaned, removing tartar on the teeth. Tooth decay, which is made worse by tartar, can damage a tooth and lead to an infection.


A dental emergency is a mouth problem that needs treatment immediately. These illnesses and injuries tend to strike when you least expect them. Most dental emergencies are scary, so getting help quickly can make the pain disappear.You can visit our emergency dentists in Dallas for the best dental emergency related treatment.