What Is The Difference Between A Dental Veneer And Dental Bonding?

dental venners Dallas

Numerous dental processes are available nowadays to provide you with a beautiful smile. The dentist in Dallas is the one who decides which of the dental processes is going to deliver the desired results for you. Dental bonding and veneers are two dental processes that are popular in dentistry. This blog will take an in-depth look into the difference between tooth bonding and dental veneers. Both play a vital role in improving the size, shape, tooth color, and spacing.

Dental Bonding

Let’s begin with dental bonding. This type of dental method is ideal for those with a chipped tooth, fractured tooth edges, or stained tooth that has been severely discolored. Having a stained tooth can prevent you from smiling or talking to others, fearing the embarrassment it can cause you. It is best for small changes needed for the teeth. It is less expensive and can also be performed quickly compared to other methods. The treatment can be completed in a single appointment. First, the Dallas dentist may look at the tooth structure. It is because adequate tooth structure is desirable to support the bonding material. If the person has bruxism or teeth grinding habits, the dentist in Dallas will consider them before recommending dental bonding since it can damage the bonding material.

Dental Veneers

A dental veneer is a thin protective covering placed over the surface of a tooth. Porcelain veneers may need the removal of some natural tooth structure to accommodate its placement. Since the dental veneers are composed within a dental laboratory, multiple appointments are required. The Dallas dentist will place a temporary veneer on the patient until the permanent veneer is created and placed. It is durable and is resistant to stains or tooth fractures. The two adjacent teeth need to be prepared to give the aesthetic impression with dental veneers for achieving the best results. It is also the preferred restorative dentistry option for those who require changing the tooth alignment. If maintained properly, the dental veneers can last from a minimum of 10 years to a maximum of 15 years.

Furthermore, veneers help you to regain a smile with minimal pain. Unlike teeth bonding which fills only the chip or cracks, veneers can cover the tooth surface as a whole. You might be a good candidate for dental veneers if you are looking for a long-lasting solution for the chip or crack in the tooth. Contact the best dentist in Dallas to have dental veneers or bonding.