Can Laser Therapy Prevent Future Gum Disease?

Uh oh. You just found out you have gum disease. What now?

Given the swollen, painful gums, tenderness, and bad breath, you’re probably looking for a quick, effective solution—but which option is the best?

Laser periodontal therapy may be just the ticket. With thousands of satisfied patients so far, laser therapy could be the solution you’ve been looking for. If you are experiencing painful symptoms and looking for fast, lasting relief, contact Bleu Dentistry today and explore your options with us.

Call today to schedule your first appointment with us.

What Is Laser Periodontal Therapy?

Laser technology is playing an increasingly vital role in oral care, especially when it comes to sensitive problems like gum disease. Laser therapy allows us to quickly do away with the painful, irritated gum tissue surrounding the roots of your teeth and carve away plaque with speed and accuracy.

Why Is Laser Therapy Better than Other Methods?

Traditional methods for fixing gum disease typically involve painful dental surgery in which your gums are sliced and pulled back in order to allow your dentist to get into the roots of your teeth and clean away plaque. This typically involves a great deal of discomfort afterward and a longer recovery time than most people would like.

However, laser therapy has a number of great benefits that make it the superior choice for treating gum disease:

Get Help Curing and Preventing Gum Disease with Laser Therapy in Dallas

Our team at Bleu Dentistry loves helping you get your smile back. We are on a mission to ensure your teeth are as healthy and pain-free as possible, which is why we’re always up-to-date on the latest and greatest methods for treating uncomfortable conditions like gum disease. If you are experiencing the painful symptoms of gum disease, allow us to partner with you and help you find a solution that works.

Call Bleu Dentistry today or fill out this short online form to tell us how we can be of service to you.